Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February already.....

It was groudhog day recently. And the idea of groundhog day seems a bit like what life is like for me at the moment. Trying to get somewhere but waking up and still being in the same place. I guess some people call this stability ...... or just endless holiday syndrome. Funny, towards the end of being pregnant I couldnt wait to have time off from the structure of work, but it seems that I prefer it now, Having someplace to go, something tangible to do. Not that I dont love being Min's mum, its just that its so....relentless!! And not terribly mentally challenging...and can be lonely......

Minerva has learned how to sit up by herself & isnt she so very pleased with herself....funny , these milestone things, you can never quite remember the exact moment when your child masters something, but there has to be one? Still no indication of wanting to do the rolling thing or that first toothy peg popping through, but all in god's good proximodistal developmental time!!! (yes, I am still overdosing on parenting manuals)

Went to the info/enrolment night for the enrolled nursing course. 220 applicants for 60 places...sheesh. Well, it obvious that there are just too many people in the world, that's what. My car broke down on the way home, and this drunk woman came running down the slope and started waving in the traffic. God!! Ract arrived but only after a kindly policeman had managed to reverse the car out of the overtake lane and back into the bus slip lane....embarrassing. One more thing to buy this year, a decent, safer set of wheels.......

Have just been up post 3am feed (when oh WHEN will she sleep through???) listening to an mp3 that keiran did..mish mash of him playing guitar bits and singing a little. He told me his singing was horrible but its fine. Not perfect, but marketable, which is what he was hoping for, anyway. Have told him so. Even toying with the idea of doing a bit myself this year, and have managed to get 3 students (all voice, no less) starting this week. No idea what to teach them of course, but we will get there. (quick trip to uni/con libraries to raid materials!!)

Have returned to work and can actually remember how to do it!! Quite relieved about that, had been having awful nightmares about it for yonks now , including one last week about throwing a complete hissy fit and walking out on one of the board members...ouch!!

Heading up to Devonport next week to show off Minnie to Granpa Spark's sister, Marlene. & to return Mum's quilt that she spent 5 painstaking years making..she's entering it into a competition up there soon. Have to squeeze trip in on the few days I have off between swimming lessons for the little chicken on thursdays and back to work tuesdays.....

Have seriously been thinking of just retreating and having some more stay at home mummy time, as I still cant even seem to get all my housework done, but know that I would become completely barking mad if I stayed home for the rest of 2009.
