Monday, July 13, 2009

the muse has left the building........

well, dear readers (yes both of you)
I havnt really added to this blog very much of late because I am finding life to be singularly uninteresting. I'm back at work two and a half days a week, and the harder I work, the more bills I seem to get,(massive power bill, broken washing machine, heaps car repairs, broken tooth, etc etc etc,,,,,) and the sicker the baby And I seem to get. In the space of a few months, we've had projectile vomiting (Min) , blocked eustachian tube (ear) me, a cold & sinussy thing that took the nest of 3 weeks to go away, and today Min came home with a green crusty eye. I give up. I really just want to stop doing everything outside the house and just cocoon us both and eat good things and catch up on sleep and exercise and good food and funny movies and soul enriching books. But......
As I am a working class single parent with bills to pay , none of this is an option. I need a break. I feel like running away. I am constantly tired. Help!


Unknown said...

Don't give up Sharyn. Lots of us have been there before. It gets better. Just hang in there ;)

sharyn said...

Thanks joy for being an angel of encouragement. xxx