Saturday, October 25, 2008

confucious the fleaman, or the fleas come back!

Oh, what a week....................I'm almost not sure where to begin with the drama that encapsulated my small Glenorchy abode. And. All. Because. Of.A MINISCULE. Parasite...........
You hear things about people sleeping rough in sheds and outhouses in the depression but one never thinks the expereince of lying awake at night scratching oneself to bits because of fleabites (or whatever the hell they are) And the agony of thinking that at any moment the baby will wake because they've made it to feast on her too.......but this is what we faced as the week begain.
the landlord couldnt have been less interested in helping in they tried NOTE TO ALL TASMANIANS: DO NOT RENT THROUGH MCGREGOR 1ST NATIONAL!!!!! they are a bunch of shysters. Not only did I get to the lease signing to be told the poroperty was going to be $10 per week more expensive than what it was advertised for on the rentals list (not much, it may seem, but enough to someone currently trying to survive on the single parent pension...........) then 6 weeks into the tenancy all hell breaks loose...or should I say hot day=massive amounts on bites in bed..legs, thighs, belly, elbows, AGONY!!!!
Ok. So obviously I have led a cushy life until now not having experienced the joys of being host to a multitude of microbial vermin. Maybe they will up the rent again for the privelelegde........argh.
Anyway. I have no budgeting skills at the best of times, but the need for a fumigator & the brakes on the car being cactus & getting fixed at the same time has left me $60 short (am lening it from my sis in law tommorrow) , & completely broke & in debt ...or should I say...further in debt.....until saturday.
Work still has not given me a starting date. I am seriously stressing. I hope the bugs die. The end............

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